What Is Japan Like?(日本ってどんな国?)

What is it like to visit Japan? I realize this is a big topic, but I perceive Japan (in a favorable light) in the following ways:

1. A “convenience” nation
I believe the Japanese have worked hard to make their daily lives easier. “Convenience stores” are a good example. There are three primary brands available (Lawson, Family Mart, and Seven Eleven). These shops are open 24 hours a day and offer anything from essentials like food and drink to books, clothing, cosmetics, and other items. There are also copy machines and delivery services. Japanese goods and services are of satisfactory quality, and a single product ‌includes many versions. Public transportation is another illustration of Japan’s convenience. Shinkansen bullet trains, subways, and buses, especially in big cities like Tokyo and Osaka, arrive on time (nearly always) and cover large regions.

2. A “service”-oriented nation
Japan’s stores and restaurants are, on the whole, very customer-oriented. “Customers are Gods,” we remark in Japanese occasionally. (Please note that this is a literal translation.) Does that make sense?) Staff workers and servers take their jobs seriously and, in the words of my foreign friends, “politely.” They gently place your purchases in a bag or provide your supper promptly. When you leave a business or restaurant, they bow and say “Goraiten Arigatou gozaimashita” (which means “Thank you for visiting our store today.”) and sometimes “Mata no goraiten wo omachi shite orimasu” (which means “We look forward to your next visit.”)

3. A mash-up of “uniquely Japanese” and “foreign (mostly Asian and Western)” cultures
Japan, being an island country, has established its customs while also introducing other cultures. Japan has had both international isolation and international relations throughout its history. Through connections with East Asia and the West, it has expanded its culinary traditions and produced superior technology from ancient times. During the Edo period in the 1800s, Japan‌ practiced seclusion and established a distinct culture. During this time, it created its art forms, including ukiyoe. In today’s Japan, there are several temples and shrines. Temples are influenced by Chinese culture, whereas shrines are based on the ancient Japanese religion “Shinto.” Karaoke, anime/manga, cosplay, and other “contemporary” examples of distinctly Japanese traditions are well known.


Japanese Translation [日本語訳] 




2. 「サービス」の国


島国である日本は独自の文化を築いてきたと同時に、外国からの影響も受けてきました。歴史的に言うと、日本は国際的な孤立と外国との接触の両方を経験しました。古来から東アジアや欧米との接触を通じて食文化を豊かにし、先進技術を発展させてきました。 その一方で、1800年代の江戸時代には鎖国政策があり、独自の文化を発展させました。例えば、この期間に浮世絵といった日本独自の芸術を生み出したのです。今日、日本にはたくさんのお寺や神社があります。一般的には、お寺は中国からの影響を受けているのに対して、神社は日本の伝統的な宗教である「神道」かに由来しています。有名で「現代的な」日本独自の文化の例は、カラオケ、アニメ/漫画、コスプレ等です。

This blog offers real information about "daily" aspects of Japan from my "Osaka-person" perspective. Feel free to send me questions or requests. Follow me on social media!



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